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Spring of 2024



To The Members of Our Old Timers and Legends,


I hope this message finds you all well. Some of you know me and many may not. Briefly, I would like to introduce myself. I am Al Dawson. I did not play the great game of soccer with so many of you but I did play rec. ball and varsity soccer at Sparrows Point High School for several years and some indoor with several groups. However, I have been actively involved with soccer in many forms for almost seven decades. I started the St. Clare program in Essex along with Fr. Steven Gerard. That program grew to be the largest in Baltimore County with 34 teams of all ages, male and female. I then started the soccer program at St. Clements in Lansdown, again with Fr. Steven Gerard. All of that from the early 70's to the early 90's. I also coaches my men's team in the old beltway league and later in the MMSL quickly moving from third division to second division and finally in the first division.


In the late 90's, I was elected President for the Maryland Major Soccer league. The league was floundering at that time and in the next seven years we grew back to three divisions and a substantial treasury. We developed a great working relationship with the referees association and almost were able to get a 4th division started for women. Unfortunately, that did not happen. All of this while I was a member, since the mid 70's, of the Oldtimers Soccer Association. My only break from active soccer was in the mid 60's till early 70's when I was in the US Air Force. Last but not least, I coached at every level except college and pros. I did have many college players and a few pros play for me along the way.


Enough about me, the newly named "Maryland Soccer Legends" (replacing "The Oldtimers Soccer Association") has once again found itself floundering with the current officers resigning. Jerry Cirri and I were board member up until the new "younger" group came in at our request. Two years age Jerry and I were asked to resign to make room for "Younger" members to come on. We did so. Now Jerry, Fran McGrath, Bernie McVey and I have stepped up to try to revive our group. We CAN NOT do this without your help. I am asking any of you folks, members or those that may want to become members, that can and will help us to give us a call. Fran McGrath and Bernie McVey have been the driving force here.


The four of us, Fran, Bernie, Jerry and I have had several meetings to develop a plan to stay afloat. The Hall of Fame Dinner is of major concern for us. We are looking into several fund-raising ventures such as our once successful golf tournament, possibly bull roast type events and possibly even a DJ event.  We are looking for more ideas AND help.


The Interim officers, Bernie Mcvey - Treasurer, Fran McGrath - Secretary, Jerry Cirri - VP and me as President will be actively looking for board members. We would like very much to be as diversified as possible with folks from all walks of the soccer world. If you have any interest in becoming a board member, please let us know. We are hoping to have an actual election possibly in early fall. Suggestions and nominations are welcome. Fran McGrath our secretary can be reached at (410) 530-2018 or his email of

Yours in Soccer,


Al Dawson
(Interim) President

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